Если мы хотим, чтобы нас окружали свободные, думающие, красивые люди, главное, что мы можем и должны дать детям, — умение сомневаться и ставить вопросы.

Dima Zicer

The teacher and educator, the theater director of the Institute of Informal Education, host of the "Love Not Discipline" project, the author of books on pedagogy.
Informal Education (IE) is a contemporary practice of the humanistic approach. It is actively implemented within the Institute of Informal Education (INO).
This is Dima Zicer’s main project. At the «Apelsin» school we practice the humanistic approach to pedagogy and education. «Apelsin» is the place of comfort and a space for development and creativity.
More about INO

love not discipline

From now produced in cooperation with «Libo-Libo» studio.
Dima Zicer
Dima, what shall I do?
Do not educate!
Dima Zicer, an educator, answers the questions of parents, teachers, children - everyone who cares about the relationship between a child and an adult.

He tells how to enjoy this relationship, how to make life with children comfortable, vibrant, warm, happy for everyone, how not to make life for them and oneself a living hell, how to behave in different situations.
Only the episodes of the project created in collaboration with the “Libo-Libo” studio are available through the links.
You can find the earlier episodes in the “Radio Mayak” podcast on SMOTRIM.RU

The episodes from #162 onwards are awailable on YouTube.
The book “Love Not Discipline” is organised like a Facebook blog, it can be read starting from any page. Each post contains parental habits, doubts and fears, which we do not always admit to ourselves. Everything one may need to go beyond the usual routine in relations with children and not to repeat the mistakes of one’s parents is here.
If you want to participate in one of the “Love Not Discipline” episodes, please fill in the form below.

Do not miss

The language of all videos is Russian.

Apelsin days
One of the most famous talks of educator Dima Zicer given at the TEDxSadovoeRing conference. (English Subtitles)
Dima Zicer. About children, put the letter "Z". About children in the war. About adults who are scared
Girls in the Russian Federation were banned from wearing trousers, where children can be themselves, there are no cruel children. Dima Zicer

Informal Education

Dmitriy, New-York
So, what is it?
Dima  Zicer
Informal Education (IE) is a contemporary practice of the humanistic approach.


This is Dima Zicer’s main project. At the "Apelsin" school we practice the humanistic approach to pedagogy and education. "Apelsin" is the place of comfort and a space for development and creativity.

People study here from the age of 4 to the final year of high school.
St. Petersburg, embankment of the river Karpovka, 5, lit. С (Aptekarsky Prospect, 4)

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